Snoopytech, a leaker, revealed multiple color photos of the Z Fold 3, as well as a close-up of the phone's under-display selfie camera. Samsung has been working on front-facing cameras that can be hidden beneath phone displays when not in use, removing possible distractions and hiding the camera's look. Samsung has yet to use this technology in a commercial product, and until recently, it was unknown whether an under-display camera will be included in the Z Fold 3.
The overall appearance of the Z Fold 3 is identical to that of earlier models. Still, there are a few notable enhancements, such as a slimmer and less bulky back camera module and reduced display bezels. The Z Fold 3 is believed to have a main 7.55-inch folding display, which is around the same size as previous Galaxy Folds, according to the leaks.
According to German tech site, we now have what appear to be authentic press renders for both the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 and the Galaxy Z Flip 3.
Source: Gizmodo
waiting for the specs ��